Print-to-Digital Transformation Strategies for Health Plans
Healthcare consumerism is demanding that payers make information more readily available to educate and inform consumers. The trend is clear: digital channels such as email and SMS are becoming the preferred modes of communication for healthcare consumers.
However, many large regional and national health plans face significant challenges when it comes to member communications, including siloed channels, lack of governance, and outdated communications technology. Engagys partners with these plans to develop effective strategies to transform their processes, technology, and engagement to enable digital interactions.
Engagys specializes in scaling digital communications, standardizing communication processes, and enhancing the member communications journey. Our digital transformation efforts have saved health plans millions of dollars, with the use of cost-effective, multi-channel communication processes and streamlined digital member onboarding experiences.
Engagys’ Communications Transformation Solutions
Engagys stands out as the only healthcare consultancy laser-focused on driving consumer health engagement. We execute the work for you, offering a range of services to elevate your engagement strategy:
Real Results
Engagys has helped dozens of clients achieve significant value in their digital transformation journeys through rationalization, consolidation, and re-imagination:
![print-to-digital transformation](/assets/images/uploads/real-results.png)
![print-to-digital transformation](/assets/images/uploads/results-2.png)
Begin your Print-to-Digital Transformation Journey
Are you ready to revolutionize your member communications and drive substantial value for your health plan? Partner with Engagys to streamline your communication strategies, boost member engagement, and reduce costs. Our proven expertise in digital transformation can help you achieve these goals efficiently and effectively. Contact us today to get started.